Hi there!

I'm Mohammed Taher Ghazal

A Front-End Web Developer, Content Creator, & a Freelancer.

Technologies I'm Very Good At















Node Js

Node Js



Some Cool Projects I've Built

UNO Online Game

An online multiplayer cards game where each player aims to get rid of his cards.
Built using React, Typescript, Framer-Motion for animations, & Redux.

Built Using:


Makers Bolt Fun

Goal: Build a community platform for makers working with lightning, bitcoin, or nostr technologies.

Client: Peak Shift

Role: Full stack development, managing other developers on the project, maintenance, & UX design.

Approach: Using React.js framework for the client app & Netlify serverless functions + PostgreSQL for the backend.

Learnings: This is one of the projects that I learned the most from. Primarily due to the fact that I've been working on it for more than 2 years, & we always experiment with bleeding-edge (literally) technologies & tools. So I get the chance to try very new interesting tools & techs.

Built Using:


CBDC Tracker

Goal: Build a tracker of CBDCs around the world, & make it appealing, accessible, and easy to use.

Client: Human Rights Foundation.

Role: Front-end development, Back-end development, & client communications.

Approach: Used Next.js to build the client app. & used `globe.gl` for the 3D globe. & For the back-end & API used Strapi CMS.

Learnings: I learned how to build 3D globes & customize their style. Learned a lot about Strapi CMS. & learned about the new features of Next.js 13 app router.

Built Using:


My Top Values at Work

Delivering the Best User Experience

Using the Right Technologies

Putting Genuine Care

What People I Worked With Said

Johns Beharry avatar

Johns Beharry

Founder / Principal Software Architect at Peak Shift Ltd.

There's nothing short of praises that I have for Mohammed. He is diligent with his work, pays attention to the smaller details, takes initiative, is curious about learning, shares his knowledge with others, takes time to explain his rationale to the internal team or external people who might need this information, the list goes on. Besides being involved in the typical product development process of our platform, Mohammed is involved in our research and development. Since we are working with very bleeding edge technologies, it can be difficult as often there may not be documentation to reference. That of course is a nightmare for any engineer but Mohammed finds solutions, and is curious to learn about the inner workings of things. His work @ bolt.fun is setting standards for our whole industry. I am most grateful to be working alongside him.
Mohammed Babelly avatar

Mohammed Babelly

Solutions Engineer at Codemagic

I've worked alongside Mohammed for close to three years now. To be honest, he's one of the best coworkers I've ever worked with, not for only his core job which is web development but many other things, like time and tasks management, his continuous passion for getting better in the field, and the ability to learn new stuff in a short term, we had once a collage artificial intelligence project and we're both beginners at that field, so with the help of an energetic person like Mohammed, we managed to finish the project with the expected results at the right time. My collaboration with Mohammed is not over yet, we're working now on a big personal project that needs only ambitious people to continue working on. This rare mix of productivity and ambition sets a great example for the rest of the team and explains why everyone loves working with Mohammed no matter what.
Ed Pratt avatar

Ed Pratt

Senior Product Designer at Caplin Systems

Mohammed is a rock-star engineer and a fantastic colleague. His passion, energy, and professionalism enables him to produce high quality work on time, even being proactive in tackling blockers with innovative solutions. He was also able to research, understand, and integrate novel technologies such as WebLN, LNURL, and other Lightning specific packages. Mohammed’s work with BOLT🔩FUN could comfortably stand alongside that of other top engineers in the space. He is a much needed addition to any product team.

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